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Tutoring Can Give Students The Edge When Applying To Medical And Dental Schools

by Cassidy Welling

Medical AND Dental schools analyse admissions test results from a variety of examinations, such as the UCAT, BMAT and GAMSAT, while deciding whether to admit or reject applicants. The test(s) a student must take will vary based on which schools were applied to. What is a common denominator, however,...

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How to handle test anxiety

by Anita Naik

According to 82% of teachers, tests and exams significantly impact pupils' mental health. The stats from the National Education Union also showed that this was down to the pressure on students to perform well academically for themselves and the school. Here's how to handle test anxiety.

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How To Become A Better Reader

by Anita Naik

Working on becoming a better reader has a multitude of benefits beyond English and English Literature GCSE and A-Levels. Stronger readers are more focused about how they read, which gives them access to a wealth of skills and benefits everything from comprehension to revision, and exam preparation.

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World Book Day: How to encourage your child to read more books

by Anita Naik

With World Book Day fast approaching, it's worth knowing that children today read less frequently than any previous generation and enjoy reading less than young people did in the past. According to research from the National Literacy Trist, only a quarter of under-18s spend time reading daily. Along...

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How to learn more in 2023

by Anita Naik

It's human nature to seek out information that corresponds with our beliefs, so listening to alternative and new points of view allows you to think critically about what you believe. Podcasts are a brilliant way to do this as they expose you to the theories and beliefs of thought leaders in every fi...

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