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How to Develop Your Foreign Language Skills

by Christine Chadwick

Bilingual individuals and polyglots alike can agree that learning a new language is a daunting task, but there's definitely a plateau of understanding involved. If you're learning a new language, what's the best way to get over the steep learning curve and into this conversational "eye of the storm"...

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Five Things to Do the Week Before a Presentation

by Christine Chadwick

Some people claim they fear public speaking more than they fear death. But now that you must give a presentation, there's no turning back. There are, however, several productive actions you can take the week before the event. These tips can help you stay calm and give an informative, compelling pres...

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Five Tips for Improving Imagery in Writing

by Christine Chadwick

Though we're not all poets, most of us have been asked to write creatively in an educational setting. English classes from primary school onward encourage students to write in a descriptive manner using techniques involving imagery. If you struggle with writing in this fashion, read on for five tips...

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An Introduction to the Properties of Matter

by Christine Chadwick

Every object on Earth is made up of matter. There are two basic properties of matter: physical and chemical. You're likely to learn about these properties in two subjects most senior school and some college students take: physics and chemistry. It's helpful to have a basic handle on the properties o...

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5 Problems You May Face When Working in a Group

by Grace Dickins

During your educational career teachers will sometimes assign brief work tasks or longer projects to be completed by a group. Working as part of a group can have challenges, but with a plan and perseverance you should be able to benefits from and complete successfully a group project.

Ignition Prob...

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