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School performance 2011 - The truth!

by Sara

Last week, the Department for Education published data on more than 3,300 secondary schools' GCSE and A-Level exam results. Now parents have more information than ever about how their child's school is performing, this is an increase of data of 400 per cent than in 2010.

Performance tables for 20...

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Common entrance exams – Verbal reasoning tests (4)

by Sara

Use the information below to find which one of the statements must be true.

Circle your answer.

58. Sam, Rishi, Carl, Hilary and Jane live in a row of 5 houses.

The houses are numbered from 20, going up in even numbers.

Jane lives next to Rishi.

Hilary lives at number 28.

Sam lives between Ris...

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January Exams!

by Sara

During the month of January many academic exams are taken by students all over the UK. If you have prepared and revised well in advance you should have no worries sitting your exams. However, some students no matter how well they have prepared for exams they still suffer high stress levels a few day...

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Your personal statement. University applications.

by Sara

As the deadline approaches for university applications, many students will be finalising their application and perhaps struggling with their personal statement.

Here are a few useful tips to help you write a personal statement that tells universities why they should choose you!

Your personal ...Read more ›

Organising the year ahead. Happy 2012!

by Sara

Now that the festive season has ended, it's back to routine! Many students are overwhelmed at the thought of organising their time to study, take classes, prepare projects and so forth. Organisation is the keyword when planning study time, tuition lessons, exam dates or revision periods. January is ...

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