Blog Posts under Gcse

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Maths: a gateway for many careers

by Emily

If you have a teenage child, they they're sure to be considering what career they want to follow in the future. Many students, by the time they reach 16, may have a good idea of a few of the careers they would like to follow, but are perhaps unsure which one they'll settle on.

This is one of the re...

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Transitioning from GCSEs to A-levels

by Emily

The move from Year 11 to sixth form is really significant. For many pupils, this is the first time that they will be treated like an adult: no more school uniform and a greater degree of freedom. With this freedom of course comes extra responsibility and pressure. These tips can help your child prep...

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Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 2

by Emily

Following on from Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1, here are three more ways to ensure your child is going into their GCSE years with confidence:

1. Choose a good mix of subjects. For the first time in their academic career, your child actually has a say in which subjects they want to ...

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GCSE pupils achieve record results

by Emily

First Tutors would like to wish all of our tutees the very best of luck as they collect their exam results today. Good luck as well to our tutors, who are probably just as nervous!

If national data is anything to go by, today's exam results should be the cause of celebration for many of our tutees ...

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Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1

by Emily

GCSEs are the first set of exams which have an influence on a pupil's career. Successful results enable pupils to take their pick of A-level subjects, and the top universities like to see a stream of A*s and As when it comes to GCSEs on UCAS forms.

With that in mind, it's so important to prepare yo...

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