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Three Programs All Students Should Know How to Use

by Grace Dickins

When applying for jobs, which skills to include on your resume is often contested among employers and hiring managers. Some suggest listing your computer skills, like those related to Microsoft Office. Others deem this unnecessary since they believe every job applicant should have such skills. Howev...

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Five Ways Physical Activity Helps Learning

by Christine Chadwick

Most people exercise to have fitter bodies, but did you know exercising can also give your mind a workout? Students, in particular, can enjoy many brain-boosting benefits from putting down the remote and taking an afternoon walk instead. Let's count down five ways being fit isn't just good for your ...

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Five Signs Your Child Needs a Tutor

by Christine Chadwick

Between demanding studies, extracurricular activities, and busy family lives, individual attention can help students of all ages and abilities. Perhaps you've found yourself wondering how to give your child a more enjoyable academic experience. These five signs can help you determine whether it's ti...

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What Life Skills Do I Need Before University?

by Grace Dickins

Many students who head off to university for the first time have never before lived on their own, which can seem intimidating. There will probably be a lot of things that your parents did for you that you'll now have to do for yourself.

Before you head off to university, here are some life skills t...

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3 Steps for Avoiding Plagiarism

by Christine Chadwick

Have you ever experienced one of these scenarios?

You're typing away at an assignment due in a few hours, and you're just....stuck. Maybe you don't fully understand the material, or maybe you just realised you need to incorporate something you didn't, but whatever the case is, the clock is runnin...Read more ›