Blog Posts under Maths

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The Top 8 Tutoring Tips for Maths Homework

by Anna Michaelidou

We all know that Maths does not come naturally to everyone and contains some concepts that can be difficult for children to learn. Many parents turn to private tutoring as understanding complex problems and trying to explain them to your child can be extremely difficult and frustrating. The great th...

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Revision Courses

by Sara

With less than two months before exams are here again, many students will be looking for revision courses to boost their chances of obtaining the grades they dream of.

What are revision courses?

Revision courses can provide students taking core subjects, a well-organised and highly structured cour...

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Importance of Maths

by Sam

All subjects are important in the curriculum: but maths is one of the most crucial to success in later life. With the exception of English, what other subject to do you use every single day in our lives?

The government has recognised this and want to encourage more students to carry on doing maths ...

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Choosing Maths A-Level modules

by Sara

Students who are confident they will pass their GCSE maths exams this year may already be thinking about taking A-level maths next year. Depending on your school and exam board, you may have the option to choose which modules to take.

A-level maths includes six modules, with each score of these mod...

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Maths problems - Dyscalculia

by Sara
What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia comes from Greek and Latin which means: "counting badly". The Greek prefix "dys" means "badly" and the Latin word Calculia comes from "calculare" which means "to count".

Dyscalculia is considered to be a learning disability involving the inability to understand m...

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