Blog Posts under Primary

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How to deal with homework problems

by Anita Naik

If your child's homework stresses you, you're not alone. A survey of 2,000 parents found that 34% of parents of primary school children and 44% of parents of secondary school children felt they could not help with their child's homework. At the same time, according to National Numeracy, 23% of paren...

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Dyscalculia: How can I help my child cope with maths

by Anita Naik

Does your child struggle with maths, have difficulties with basic mathematical concepts and gets confused with sequencing and mental calculations? If so, then they could have Dyscalculia. Here's how to help them cope with maths.

National Numeracy and the British Dyslexia Association say an estimate...

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How to tell if your child is struggling with maths

by Anita Naik

According to a new survey commissioned by National Numeracy*, though the majority of us feel we are good at maths, we are typically overestimating our skills. Though nearly half (45%) of those surveyed rated their numeracy as good, they scored less than three out of five on the numeracy test, coming...

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6 tips on how to help your child develop their handwriting skills

by Anna Michaelidou

Handwriting is one of those amazing skills that children learn with practice and patience. It is a difficult and challenging skill to master but an important one; and there are plenty of ways to ensure your child develops their handwriting in a smooth and fun way.

Practising is key to the dev...

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5 tips on preparing your child for secondary school

by Anna Michaelidou

When the time comes for our child to start secondary school it can be both an exciting and terrifying time; for both the parent and the child. All of a sudden our little ones go from being young and carefree to having responsibilities; a new chapter in their lives has begun.

As parents we spend t...

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