Blog Posts under Skills

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9 Skills Your Child Uses in Music Classes

by Christine Chadwick

Learning how to play an instrument or to sing, particularly as part of an ensemble, is a wonderful opportunity for your child to develop skills useful in other disciplines as well. Here is a non-exhaustive list of ways including MUSIC TUITION, education, and performance positively shapes other acade...

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How to Use the PQRST Study Method

by Sarah Adams

All study methods aren't created equally. Are you optimizing your own study efforts? If you're like most students, the answer is probably "no." However, there's no reason to settle for less than your best when it comes to adopting study habits that yield results. The PQRST method is a valuable techn...

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Six Ways Cornell Note Taking Can Help You Learn

by Sarah Adams

The popular Cornell Note Taking System AKA "Cornell Notes" comprises "5 R's of note-taking," including recording, reducing, reciting, reflecting, and reviewing, with different sections of the page serving different functions. While the method may initially seem complex, advocates tout the many advan...

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What to Consider When Choosing a Study Spot

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Your surroundings have an impact on how efficient you are. They can affect your concentration, energy, and mood. This also applies to your study space. When it's time to roll up your sleeves and get down to school work, consider these critical factors about your study environment.


Choose a...

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The importance of extracurricular activities

by Grace Dickins

There is a lot of pressure on children to succeed at school nowadays that sometimes extracurricular activities can fall by the wayside. However, there is a growing amount of evidence to indicate these activities are very important to a child's development.

Social skills

School groups can be rather...

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