Blog Posts under Studying

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How to work from home with kids during Covid-19

by Anita Naik

Finding a happy medium between working from home, and ensuring your children manage their remote learning isn't easy, which is why it takes a range of skills to get it right. Here's what you need to know.

Have a designated work area

Hot-desking at home just doesn't work. If you want to get into wo...

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These Study Environment Factors Can Prevent Students From Learning

by Cassidy Welling

Studying for exams REQUIRES FOCUS AND DETERMINATION. Moreover, it requires a space that's conducive to concentration, which is why having a dedicated place for studying is a must for students to help them do their best in school. Having a quiet and CLUTTER-FREE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT can be beneficial...

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The Importance Of Keeping A Clutter-Free Study Space

by Cassidy Welling

Maintaining a clean and tidy study space is ESSENTIAL FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS. The Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found clutter makes it HARDER FOR THE BRAIN TO FOCUS on a specific task and process information. Researchers monitored task performance of subjects in both tidy versus disorgan...

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What You Can Learn by Studying Abroad

by Grace Dickins

Studying overseas can be a life-changing experience. If you take some time to prepare, your study abroad program could end up being the high point of your college career. You have the potential both to gain academically and to see the world from a new perspective. In the words of Wendell Berry, "Nob...

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Why You Should Live With a Host Family While Studying Abroad

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

When you're studying abroad, especially if it's your first time away from home for an extended period of time, your experience can be extremely exciting but also mixed with a lot of anxiety. A new level of independence, unfamiliar surroundings, a different culture, perhaps a new language - all of th...

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