Blog Posts tagged Education

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Debate of the week: Too much competition for courses?

by Emily

This week, the university think tank Million+ revealed that competition for university places this year is set to be tougher than ever. According to Professor Les Ebdon, chair of Million+, applications for degree places will rise by nearly 40% in some institutions and an average of 20% in new univer...

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Debate of the week: University funding cuts

by Emily

As higher education funding dominated the news agenda during the first decade of the millennium, so it does at the start of the next decade. Lord Mandleson has announced a shocking spending cut of £533m for universities in England, casting yet more despair amongst young people already wondering what...

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Debate of the week: All work and no play

by Emily

Teachers, tutors and educational campaigners have expressed alarm at today's announcement that a state school with a 10 hour working day is to be piloted in the UK.

Based on a charter school programme in America, the new academy will open at 7.30am and run until 5pm or 5.30pm to "maximise opportuni...

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Massive rise in number of foreign students

by Emily

In the last ten years, the number of non-European students studying at UK universities has practically doubled according to a survey conducted by HE action group Universities UK. This figure takes into account both first degree and post-graduate enrolments.

The report's author Professor Geoffrey Cr...

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Google Library: a blessing or a curse for education?

by Emily

Google wants to create the world's largest library - online. The Internet gargantuan wants to expand its 'Google Books' programme to cover almost all books currently in or out of print, essentially outstripping even the UK copyright libraries, such as the British and Bodleian libraries, in quantity ...

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