Blog Posts tagged English

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GCSE English and maths - more important than ever!

by Sara

It's not so much about how many GCSEs you obtain but what GCSEs you obtain. This may seem to be a surprising statement to make but recent research has found that there is a strong link between cities that have a high youth unemployment rate with the lack of GCSE English and Maths. Between 2007 and 2...

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English spelling – the craziest system in the world!

by Sara

For many students that study English as a second language, the majority will agree that learning to pronounce and spell in English can be a nightmare! Although English verbs are simple in comparison to most languages; with the subjugation changing only in the 3rd person ("he sees, she sees") and wit...

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Help with essay writing

by Sara

We receive hundreds of requests from students asking for help with essay writing because it is such an important aspect of many academic subjects.

An essay has been defined in a variety of ways. One definition is a "prose composition with a focused subject of discussion" or a "long, systematic disc...

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Do you need to lose your accent?

by Sara

Below are a couple of recent requests sent to tutors from our registered tutees.

"I'm looking for some elocution lessons. I'm a lazy speaker to be honest. I've always accepted this but I need to work on it and be clearer particularly for the public presentations I have. I still pronounce my "th" as...

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Dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD… if THEY succeeded, so can you!

by Sara

In recent weeks the First Tutors team has noticed an increased demand for one to one tuition from students suffering with learning difficulties. Whether this be dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD or even mild Asperger's syndrome, they all fall under the HELP ME PLEASE requests from our tut...

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