Blog Posts under Homework

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The best remote learning tips to see you through lockdown

by Anita Naik

Remote learning isn't an easy concept, especially when you're used to classroom scenarios with peer-to-peer input and a teacher on hand to help. But it is possible to make it work, here are some of the best tips to make it work for you.

Accept that online lessons are difficult to engage with


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Tips to avoiding a homework meltdown

by Anita Naik

Homework is painful for many reasons. One, it eats into your non-school time, two, no-one wants to do it and three, it often feels pointless. That said homework has a purpose:

1. It helps to reinforce what's being taught in the classroom.

2. It enables you to actively engage in your child's educat...

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5 tips for stress-free homework

by Anna Michaelidou

Homework is one of those things that children hate and parents seem to dread. It can be the cause of family arguments and anxiety in those faced with it. But homework doesn't have to be full of stress. With a well-planned after school routine and a few of our simple tips, you can turn homework into ...

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Top ten books for great half-term reading

by Anna Michaelidou

Half-term gives kids a great chance to catch-up on some great, fun, reading time. And with these adventure-packed, hilarious and heart-warming books, we guarantee your child won't get bored this break. Keep their minds sharp and boost their English skills with some of these fabulous new releases:

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Four easy tips to help your child practice spelling

by Anna Michaelidou

Spelling can be tough for an adult let alone a child. Sometimes it can be disheartening watching your child struggle with their spelling tests. That's why First Tutors have come up with four easy tips to help your child learn their spellings in a simple and easy way.

1. Break down the word


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