Blog Posts tagged It

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#SummerKidsRead - First Tutors Competition

by Anna Michaelidou

Summer is coming! And how many of us are looking forward to lounging on the beach with the sun beaming down on us and our favourite book in our hands? Our kids on the other hand are looking forward to six weeks of no lessons, fun days out and as little school-work as possible.

We all know tha...

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5 signs it's time to finish with your tutor

by Anna Michaelidou

Choosing the right tutor is always a difficult task when trying to find a tutor that will not only connect with your child but ensure that they are successful in helping them learn. However, finding the tutor is not always enough and in some cases the tutor you hire may not be doing the right job wi...

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Can I afford a tutor for my child?

by Anna Michaelidou

Hiring a private tutor is a great way to help your child improve academically and the rise in parents seeking the help of a private tutor is astonishing. The way in which children are being taught has changed a lot since our grandparents, parents, or even we were at school. It used to be that a chil...

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The Top 8 Tutoring Tips for Maths Homework

by Anna Michaelidou

We all know that Maths does not come naturally to everyone and contains some concepts that can be difficult for children to learn. Many parents turn to private tutoring as understanding complex problems and trying to explain them to your child can be extremely difficult and frustrating. The great th...

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Does your Child need a Tutor?

by Anna Michaelidou

How many times has your child come home with Maths homework that you struggle to help them with or a school report with grades you were not expecting? You may have to nag or plead with them to do their homework or school project or their grades are slipping and whilst your child is feeling frustrate...

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