Blog Posts tagged Learning

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How we occupied the kids before computers

by Sara

Hooray! School has finished and summer holidays begin. No doubt your children are looking forward to all the fun activities they can do with their family and friends during the 6 weeks holidays most schools enjoy in the UK. Some parents may feel overwhelmed with organising and brainstorming ideas to...

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Understanding Learning Styles; Is your Learning Style Compatible with Online Education?

by Anna Michaelidou

Online education is everywhere, everyone knows about it and more and more people are starting to use it. It's popular, it's advanced and it gets results. Let's face it, everything you need to know about anything is right at your fingertips, from how to write an eBook, to finding the perfect home tut...

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Is homework an important part of educational success?

by Sarah Adams

Earlier this week, The Daily Mail revealed that parents of Folkestone (Kent) threatened to remove their children from school due to new rulings that students will receive homework!

More than 600 parents have signed the petition to defend the cause because of the lack of time their children will hav...

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Online learning, what's the right option for you?

by Sara

What is online tuition?

Although online tuition has been around for some time now, it has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Tutors have brushed up their IT skills so they can comfortably use software programs and tools that online tuition requires such as VOIP (Skype), interactiv...

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The average cost of private tuition by academic level and by region

by Dexter Findley

Ever wondered if you were getting a good deal on your private tuition? The national average cost over the past year was £22.31 per hour, with variation by academic level and by region.

The more complex the academic level, the more expensive the tuition per hour. An interesting exception is adult ...

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