Blog Posts tagged Skill

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Scientifically Backed Ways to Clear Your Head While Studying

by Grace Dickins

The human mind can wander at the most inopportune times: during an important business meeting, a lecture right before an exam, or a significant personal conversation. In fact, 47% of people tend to be thinking of something other than the task at hand. The same people who claim to have distraction pr...

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5 Arguments Against Using Electronics in the Classroom

by Christine Chadwick

Technology is omnipresent, so introducing it to the classroom seems normal. If students are supposed to learn real-world skills, shouldn't schools contain the same elements that students will see every day? However, not everything that's common is good. New technology can create difficulties for sch...

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Four Tips for Making up Assignments

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

In an ideal world, students would never miss class and would always get their assignments in on time. Occasionally, something unexpected comes up that interferes with school. If you miss class due to a medical emergency, a surprise job interview, or any other unforeseen circumstance, you may have an...

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Three Programs All Students Should Know How to Use

by Grace Dickins

When applying for jobs, which skills to include on your resume is often contested among employers and hiring managers. Some suggest listing your computer skills, like those related to Microsoft Office. Others deem this unnecessary since they believe every job applicant should have such skills. Howev...

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3 Self-Motivating Strategies for Success

by Grace Dickins

When you're facing a mountain of essay papers or a long night of cramming for a big exam, the lure of video games or mindless surfing on social media becomes that much stronger. This procrastination is part and parcel of the college experience, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's unavoidable. Not...

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