Blog Posts tagged Skills

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Exam anxiety

by Sara

With exam time just around the corner, many students will begin to suffer with exam anxiety during the next few weeks.

There are four main areas that can contribute to exam anxiety:

lifestyle issues information needs studying styles psychological factors

You may have tight muscles, constan...

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Learning to learn

by Sara

If you are seeking to develop or improve your study skills, a private tutor can provide you with a great variety of formats and approaches. Learning how to manage your study time, scheduling and setting goals, prioritising tasks, planning assignments or improving exam revision techniques are all tac...

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To boldly go to where no split infinitive has been before

by Emily

George Bush Jr was as famous for his misuse of English as he was for his policies. One of his habits was the repeated use of split infinitives - one of the most contentious issues in the English language and one that could so easily be rectified by and English tutor.

Star Trek and split infinitives...

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It's called Bushisms... Or why George needs an English tutor

by Emily

It's amazing how many people manage to succeed in public life without having 'gotten to grips' with the English language. It seems pretty obvious that the ability to communicate clearly and even cleverly in English is a prerequisite for anybody hoping to get to a position of power and influence. Not...

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Transitioning from GCSEs to A-levels

by Emily

The move from Year 11 to sixth form is really significant. For many pupils, this is the first time that they will be treated like an adult: no more school uniform and a greater degree of freedom. With this freedom of course comes extra responsibility and pressure. These tips can help your child prep...

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