Blog Posts tagged Time

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How to Improve Interpersonal Intelligence

by Grace Dickins

Socially savvy students seem to have a sixth sense about how to interact with anyone from peers to strangers. A person's ability to recognize and respond to non-verbal cues from others indicates a high interpersonal intelligence. While it may seem as though this is natural instinct, people can impro...

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3 easy ways to teach your child times tables at home

by Anna Michaelidou

There comes a time in every parents life where the inevitable times-tables learning will come up. For some children it is easier than for others but from my experience all children need a helping hand. Times tables are so important to a child's learning; they will help them conquer Maths much easier...

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Why the School Day Should be Extended

by Sam

The length of the school day has always been a contentious issue. It has long been debated whether extending it would have an impact on children's educational achievements, either for better or worse: would the extra time allow for a richer educational experience, or would it cause pupils' minds t...

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Back to school: how to create good study habits

by Emily

After the long summer break it is difficult to get back into good study habits, especially while the sun is still shining outside. However, with a bit of forward planning, breaking back into an academic routine can be easier than expected.

The six P's mnemonic comes into play here: Proper Preparati...

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