Blog Posts tagged Tutors

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Scotland's 2011 exam results. Congratulations to Scottish students!

by Sara

First Tutors would like to congratulate the young Scottish students who have received their much awaited exam results. Well done!

Today, Education Secretary Mike Russell praised the hard work and achievement of young people across Scotland. Although the number of young people sitting exams has fall...

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Alert for Tutors. SCAM WARNING! Check-Counterfeit Cashier's Check

by Sara

We would like to alert all our tutors to be on guard if they receive a request that seems either odd, far- fetched or too good to be true!

Today, many of our Music teachers were sent a request with the following message:

How are you today?I got your contact email while searching for music teacher...

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Do you need to lose your accent?

by Sara

Below are a couple of recent requests sent to tutors from our registered tutees.

"I'm looking for some elocution lessons. I'm a lazy speaker to be honest. I've always accepted this but I need to work on it and be clearer particularly for the public presentations I have. I still pronounce my "th" as...

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A-Level Biology

by Sara

Demand for one-to-one private tuition for A-Level Biology stands at second place (after Maths) on our search statistics this week.

Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms together with their characteristics and behaviours. How species and individuals com...

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Maths anxiety

by Sara

First Tutors statistics reveal that the subject with the highest demand for one to one tuition is maths. Why is maths so hard? Why is it that the harmless words: algebra, fractions, geometry, can make a self confident adult or child want to run a mile? Research suggests that mathematics causes more ...

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