Blog Posts tagged Student

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Why Desire Still Matters: Loving What you’re learning and Learning What you Love

by Sara

Many modern students look at higher education primarily as a means to an end. If you ask any student on a college campus why they're there, chances are they'll tell you it's because they want to improve their qualification for a job, preferably one that includes status and monetary value. Although f...

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Organising the year ahead. Happy 2012!

by Sara

Now that the festive season has ended, it's back to routine! Many students are overwhelmed at the thought of organising their time to study, take classes, prepare projects and so forth. Organisation is the keyword when planning study time, tuition lessons, exam dates or revision periods. January is ...

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First Tutors feedback - from students and tutors

by Sara

We are delighted to publish feedback both from our students/parents and our tutors. The First Tutors team would like to thank all our users for taking the time to provide feedback. We strive to make our website as user-friendly as possible so please let us know if you think we could do even better!

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Finding a place to study

by Sara

Finding a place to study is a matter of personal taste. Your learning effectiveness declines every time your concentration is interrupted during study. Most students prefer a quiet area away from other people, television or music centres. On the other hand maybe you have learned to study with backgr...

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Why study History?

by Sara

Good question that can be answered by many ancient historians, although many critics would say it all happened a long time ago so why rake up the past? Others would perhaps say who cares about the past I'm too busy living my own life!

The Spanish philosopher George Santayana quoted "Those who canno...

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