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What do I need to know about the 11+ exam

by Anita Naik

The 11+ exam, often called the "11-plus," is an entrance assessment typically undertaken at the start of Year 6, commonly in September. This exam assesses a student's aptitude for academic study and is the basis for possible acceptance into a grammar school.

Timeline for the 11+ exam


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Top benefits of learning to play an instrument as an adult

by Anita Naik

If you have never learnt to play an instrument, it's not too late. With studies showing it is one of the best ways to help keep the brain healthy, here are the top benefits of learning to play an instrument as an adult.

It will keep your brain in top condition

Researchers at Penn's School of Medic...

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The benefits of training employees for business

by Anna Michaelidou

The world we live in today is all about the latest trends and the best new businesses; and the people behind the successes of these businesses. Employers search for the best of the bunch when seeking to employ someone new for their business and only the best will do. Jobs have become more competitiv...

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Accountancy as a career

by Sara

Accountancy is the fastest growing area of business activity and also the universal language of commerce, underpinning economies the world over. If you are thinking of pursing a career in accountancy you will probably have a strong set of skills; the obvious number one skill will be maths, but payin...

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7 ways to improve your public speaking skills

by Anita Naik

Whether you're looking for a way to improve your presentations at work, speak more authoritatively in front of others, or find more confidence to speak up, improving your public speaking skills is easier than you think.

Public speaking is one of the greatest fears, affecting 30 to 70% of the popula...

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