Blog Posts tagged Us

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Why Desire Still Matters: Loving What you’re learning and Learning What you Love

by Sara

Many modern students look at higher education primarily as a means to an end. If you ask any student on a college campus why they're there, chances are they'll tell you it's because they want to improve their qualification for a job, preferably one that includes status and monetary value. Although f...

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A word in the Bush is worth two in the hand

by Emily

Last week, we took a look at the world of embarrassment that was George "Dubya" Bush's use of the English language.

Few can argue that Bush Jr left a fine legacy from his presidency of the United States, and his unusual grasp of English is just one of the less than flattering things that he will be...

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It's called Bushisms... Or why George needs an English tutor

by Emily

It's amazing how many people manage to succeed in public life without having 'gotten to grips' with the English language. It seems pretty obvious that the ability to communicate clearly and even cleverly in English is a prerequisite for anybody hoping to get to a position of power and influence. Not...

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Maths and Music

by Emily

Did you know that many people believe there is a connection between a person's Mathematical and Musical aptitude? Studying an instrument can really help support the work you do with a Maths tutor.

Conversely it is theorised that people who are tutored in Maths must be similarly adept with Music. So...

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Choose your A-levels wisely

by Emily

As A-level results day looms near, news this week reveals that some students might not be offered a place at university - not because of their A-level results, but because of the A-levels themselves that they studied.

David Willetts, the minister for universities and science, stated this week that ...

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