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Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. Tutors

Are you looking for the best private Computer Studies / I.T. tutors in Buckinghamshire? First Tutors helps you to find Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. tutors in your local area. Our service showcases Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. tutors offering popular subjects like Maths and Biology, as well as niche subjects such as Psychology.

First Tutors is the number one place to search the top Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. tutors for your requirements, helping you find a home Computer Studies / I.T. tutor for any subject ranging from primary through to university level.

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Sunil

    Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. Tutor
    Cambridge graduate provides 1-on-1 tutoring in your own home, or online tutoring, for maths, physics or chemistry - A-Level or GCSE. Tailored to the student's needs and the syllabus. I believe very much in getting a firm understanding of the basics of the subject, as a lack of solid foundations is t...
  2. Varsity Tutors

    Varsity Tutors

    Partners of First Tutors
    Varsity Tutors helps you or your student connect with the right tutor for your needs, right when you need them most. Our innovative live learning platform, personalised learning plans, and rigorous tutor screening process break down the barriers of traditional tutoring, so it’s easier for you to learn and grow.
    • Recommended by First Tutors
    • Personalised Plans
    • Bespoke Service
    100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  3. Shaun

    Computer Studies / I.T. Tuition in Buckinghamshire
    I am an Instrumental Teacher and currently a Head of Department in a Secondary School. It is important to allow students to develop awareness of their own particular methods of working and ensure that tutoring allows each individual to make the maximum progress. I believe that the most important thi...
  4. Shezad

    Computer Studies / I.T. Tuition in Buckinghamshire
    Teaching comes natural to me, as I have the ability to relate to kids very effectively. This helps build very conducive relationships and it helps motivate students to do better in tutor sessions and the school environment. I tailor the learning according to every student needs in tutoring sessions ...
  5. Shilpa

    Private Computer Studies / I.T. Tutor in Buckinghamshire
    I am a Dedicated, resourceful and innovative Teacher with more than 3 yrs of teaching experience at University level & more than 10 years of teaching both in the classroom and tutoring. My tailored approach, combined with a deep understanding of diverse learning styles, ensures that each student re...
  6. Ellena

    Home Tuition for Computer Studies / I.T. in Buckinghamshire
    I am a friendly, enthusiastic and supportive individual who likes to give learners specific goals to achieve at their own pace. I have been a College and University Lecturer for 15 years and I have provided many individuals with academic and personal support through their exams and course work. I li...
  7. Muhammad

    Computer Studies / I.T. Lessons in Buckinghamshire
    I'm a dedicated educator with a Master's degree in Computer Science/MIS and accreditation from the General Teaching Council. My teaching philosophy revolves around strategic planning, rigorous evaluation, and adeptly addressing learning obstacles. Committed to upholding professional standards and re...
  8. Assad

    Private Computer Studies / I.T. Tuition in Buckinghamshire
    I am a project manager by trade and studied Systems Engineering at Loughborough University. I have various approaches depending on the needs of the student. I can tutor over time and build confidence of a student so they feel less pressure in exams or Exam technique and practice to get the student u...
  9. Maxim

    Computer Studies / I.T. Lessons in Buckinghamshire
    My name is Maxim and I am currently studying at University of Birmingham where I am completing a Masters in Computer Science and Engineering. For my A-Levels I took Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science as well as the Extended Project Qualification. For my GCSE’s I took Maths, Further Maths, Compu...
  10. Mohammed Belal

    Computer Studies / I.T. Teacher in Buckinghamshire
    I'm a teacher in Greater London and in my spare time, I love playing football and anything to do with technology! I currently coach young children in football and run computing classes, specialising in coding. I love programming, coding and building different projects using a range of languages. See...
  11. Siva

    Computer Studies / I.T. Tutoring in Buckinghamshire
    Although I hold a PhD in Mobile Communications and Computing and have been working in the Tech Sector, I am very passionate about tutoring work. I have been coaching my kids with their GCSEs. As part of this process, I have to always read and understand CGP books associated especially with GCSE AQA ...

This is the number one site to find, through one search, the most suitable Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. tutor for your needs, whether you are looking for local Computer Studies / I.T. lessons to boost your child's Computer Studies / I.T. confidence, your own online Computer Studies / I.T. education programme or you are looking for adult / casual Computer Studies / I.T. education.

Our search will find Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. tutors in your area according to their rates and distance from you. Our subjects include, but are not limited to, English, Maths and Chemistry from primary level right through to GCSE, A-Level and on to undergraduate level tuition. All of our Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. teachers have been reference checked and have been through our ID verification process.

If you are a Buckinghamshire Computer Studies / I.T. tutor wishing to offer your home Computer Studies / I.T. tutoring services in Buckinghamshire or anywhere else across England, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here.