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Private Online French and German Tutor

Highly Qualified and Experienced Online Tutor of Spanish, French and German

Formerly Head of the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages at Dauntsey's School and Head of Spanish at Canford School, Aaron has had twenty-five years' experience tutoring Spanish, French and German to GCSE, IGCSE, A Level, Pre-U, IB, and Oxbridge students, as well as undergraduates from top UK universities, Common Entrance (CE) candidates, primary school children, and adults wishing to 'taste' a new language, or develop their language skills. His passion for languages is infectious and his LinguaAccelerate methodology is highly effective, inspiring confidence, motivation and interest, consistently achieving results which exceed expectations.

Aaron is a Specialist GCSE and A Level Examiner for CIE (Spanish and French), AQA (Spanish), Edexcel (French) and OCR (French), equipping him with unique insight into 'what examiners want'. His emphasis on language learning through meaningful communication is characteristic of 'next generation' language tutors, infusing the language learning experience with stimulating, targeted activities, tailored to each learner's needs.

Aaron has a Master's Level Diploma in Language Teaching and a BA Double Honours in Spanish and German. He has also completed the final year of a BA Honours in French and a BSc in Psychology, specialising in language learning, perception, memory and problem solving. More recently he achieved a Distinction in his Master of Business Administration (MBA).

His understanding of the language learning process is what differentiates him from other language tutors, and this is reflected in the outstanding results his tutees consistently achieve. He is fully conversant with the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 in Modern Foreign Languages and Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 in Spanish, French and German. He has tutored the specifications of all the main examination boards for GCSE, IGCSE and A Level, and has prepared tutees for CIE Pre-U, International Baccalaureate (IB), and Oxbridge examinations.

Aaron's love of Spanish, French and German culture is equalled only by his love of teaching and tutoring. He is an expert in Spanish, French and German literature, an experienced teacher trainer and an avid lecturer in the language learning process.


Aaron tutors online via Skype, Zoom, Teams or FaceTime.

Tutoring Experience

Having taught in two of the top UK Independent Schools, Dauntsey's School and Canford School, Aaron has gained a wealth of experience advising students on their GCSE, A Level and university choices, revision planning and the UCAS application process. He has also had nine years' experience preparing tutees for 11 Plus English and verbal reasoning papers, fifteen years' experience teaching ESOL and EAL, and has consulted on long-term career planning for students of Modern Foreign Languages. At Canford School and Dauntsey's School, he assumed responsibility for Oxbridge preparation for students of Modern Foreign Languages and for the past seven years he has developed bespoke Spanish, French and German courses for university undergraduates at Russell Group universities, supporting them throughout their four-year degree programme.

Tutoring Approach

Aaron’s philosophy is predicated upon the belief that all learners are unique:

• they have unique learning needs;
• they have unique learning styles;
• they embody unique leaning experiences;
• they are motivated by unique learning outcomes.

If the learning process is unique to each individual, then the tutoring process must be unique also. In this way, he advocates that tutoring should be tailored to meet each learner’s unique learner profile. To this end, he is flexible and adaptable and plans strategically to offer each tutee multiple avenues through which they can access, understand, and apply what they learn. To achieve this, he adopts his highly-effective, tutee-centred methodology, LinguaAccelerate™.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, German, Spanish, Russian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Southampton University2008MastersMBA
Trinity College, London2001MastersTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Southampton University2000BachelorsFrench
Southampton University2000BachelorsSpanish and German
Rating from 3 references


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