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Online Maths and French Lessons

I’m a mathematics and statistics student at the university of warwick. I chose to study maths as its something ive always excelled at and achieved to have a deeper understanding than my cohorts from a young age. Being a British Bangladeshi Muslim growing up in a largely dominated white area allowed me to develop very important skills and adapt to different environments and understand vastly different cultures between school life and home life. I believe that this is one of the main things that has allowed me to become a highly achieving student and colleague who is a confident speaker and it’s made me known for my ability to build a rapport with people. Outside of academics my main passions stem really from my religion and sports. I’ve always been an avid competitor in a wide range of sports, mainly football and tennis, and I constantly like to make sure I am involved in charity work as it gives me a sense of contentment and purpose in life.

Tutoring Experience

With over 5 years experience in tutoring and teaching maths I can ensure a fun and enjoyable learning experience. I was a former student at Kumon and having completed the Maths programme at the age of 14, I became a teacher/marker there for a few years before I became an independent private tutor. In doing so, I've helped over 10+ students in the last few years achieve 1+ grade higher than their targets/predicted.

Tutoring Approach

I always aim to identify the needs of learners and if necessary adapt course content and delivery style to meet their needs. Whether they are a visual or theoretical learner, I have always been able to break down concepts into a format which the student can easily comprehend and turn into consistent performances under exam conditions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Warwick2020BachelorsBSc Mathematics and Statistics (Predicted 1st)
Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School2017CollegeMaths, Further Maths A-level A*
Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School2015SchoolMaths, Further Maths, French, Spanish GCSE A*
Rating from 2 references


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