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Computer Studies / I.T. and Study Skills Teacher in Chiswick

Would you like your child to improve their concentration, their memory, and their enthusiasm to study?

Would you like them to study and revise more effectively, by reading faster and organising their notes better?

I teach these important study skills, combining creativity and imagination to help students to go beyond average and to achieve the grades that they truly deserve and are capable of.

I also teach Computer Science, including programming.

I attended school in London where I studied Computer Studies at GCSE, A Level and at university. I have worked in software development, and in the IT industry for more than ten years.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored a number of students at GCSE level.

Tutoring Approach

I place a lot of emphasis on building the motivation of my students, as this helps them to persevere when learning difficult concepts. Wherever possible, I relate new concepts to similar ones in other fields, to facilitate the learning process.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


King's College London1999BachelorsComputer Science
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
Computer Studies / I.T.In-personOnline
Casual Learner£33£29.70
Study SkillsIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£33£29.70
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