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Online Chemistry and Biology Tuition

I am a 4th year medical student at the University of Birmingham who is willing to help students get into medicine. As I have recently gone through the application process myself, I'm up to date with the best techniques and advice on how to strengthen your application.

Tutoring Experience

I have helped many individuals along their medical school application process including the UCAT exam, personal statements and practice interviews.

Tutoring Approach

For medical school applications, I have a guide on how to approach the UCAT, and find the best way of improving is practice! I am happy to walk through questions and explain the best techniques and approaches for tackling them. Additionally, I am able to advise on how to write a compelling personal statement to get into medical school by including 4 key aspects medical schools love. Interviews can be very daunting, but with my experience and tips I will be able to improve your interview skills to increase your chances of success!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Twyford CofE Highschool2021College3 A*s in Maths, Biology, Chemistry A levels
Chiswick School2019SchoolSix 9s, four 8s, one A* GCSE
Rating from 2 references


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