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Maths and Computer Studies / I.T. Tutoring in Battersea

I'm Alessandra. I'm a graduate of Columbia University and a professional senior software developer.

I've been a software developer for 8 years, and have worked at top tech companies including Bloomberg, AIG, and startups.

Tutoring Experience

I'm an experienced tutor - I currently lead an IT Skills training program in London. I love to help students grasp difficult subjects and get to the next level.

My other teaching experience includes:
- being a teaching assistant at university level
- designing courses and curriculum for students and colleagues
- tutoring students preparing to apply for university
And, on the side of this all, I teach yoga and meditation!

Tutoring Approach

I'm known for being a patient and friendly mentor and tutor. I take the time to make sure you understand, feel confident, and I'm always positive and motivating.

I believe everyone can get a hang of numbers and computers, and I'm excited to share my passion with you.

I have helped over a dozen people become professional software developers through my mentoring! Beginner coders are happily welcomed. :)

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


Columbia University2015BachelorsComputer Science
Rating from 1 reference


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