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Online Tuition for Physics and Chemistry

I'm a father of three beautiful children, aged between 8 and 11. This keeps me very busy! Alongside my family, I enjoy all the good things in life but my passion is distance running. I'm always training for some race and compete in marathons a couple of times a year.

Tutoring Experience

I'm a secondary school science teacher with 19 years of experience working in Yorkshire & Kent schools and I have worked very successfully with private students from a variety of back grounds for 10 years.
I studied at UCL, before completing a Masters degree in wildlife biology & conservation in Edinburgh and then completed my PGCE in secondary school science teaching at the University of York.

Tutoring Approach

I'm an enthusiastic science teacher that gets the best out of students by building great relationships. I Identify a student's preferred way to learn and plan accordingly; taking in their hobbies and interests, their social context and academic background. I have a wealth of experience in how to prepare students for examinations and an excellent record for boosting grades.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Edinburgh Napier University2001MastersWildlife Biology & Conservation
Rating from 2 references


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