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I am a visiting lecturer in the University of Wolverhampton, an Independent Pharmacist Prescriber, a tutor, teach Pharmacy Pre-reg students and run Pharmacy pre-reg exam training sessions. Along with Pharmacy subjects, I teach Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as a private tutor. I am very passionate about teaching and learning.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching since I graduated. I started tutoring as a hobby and I felt it to be very satisfying when I recieved very positive feedback from students and their parents. I have private lessons and group tuitions. I have helped my pupils to get the deeper knowledge of the subject and achieve better grades and pass entrance exams. Every year I run Pharmacy training sessions for pre-reg students covering all aspects of the exam to help them pass Pre-reg Exam.
If you need help with Pharmacy pre reg exam to cover calculations, BNF, OTC sections, case studies, I am here to help.

Tutoring Approach

I have a very methodological and thorough approach.I try my best to help my students understand the core principals and concepts of the subject. I work out and try to find an approach that works for the students according to their individual needs and understanding. I am very patient and my lessons are relaxed and structured. I get most of my tutees through recommendation. I help the students to understand examination techniques to achieve the best possible results.

LanguagesPunjabi, English (British), Hindi, Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Hertfordshire2008MastersMBA
University of Hertfordshire2007MastersM Sc Pharmacology
Aston University,Birmingham2005MastersM Pharm

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