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English (Foreign Language) Lessons in Nottingham

I live in Nottingham and I am a part time ESL tutor, teaching adults in a classroom setting.
I enjoy hiking, reading and Ancient Roman history. I am now teaching English as a second language online in 1-1 sessions and in person at home or in a public place.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching ESL for 2 years in Italy at a private school when I visit 2 to 3 times a year. I teach absolute beginners, beginners and pre intermediate to young adults. I work three hours a week teaching ESL to adult absolute beginners at the British Red Cross in Nottingham.

Tutoring Approach

I use a person centered approach when teaching. I like to get to know the students hobbies and interests and bring this into the lessons. I make sure that the student is confident in what they have learnt before I go onto the next lesson. I go at the students own pace. I like them to feel comfortable and enjoy each lesson. I use visual aids with absolute beginners and role play with pre intermediate.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Center of Excellence 2023OtherTEFL
Center of Excellence2023OtherSEND
Rating from 2 references


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