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Private Economics Tutor in Ladbroke Grove

After completing my degree in Economics, I have worked in the UK Civil Service for the past five years as a professional economist - most recently at HM Treasury. I am currently taking a year out to complete my Masters in Economics.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring A-level economist for the last four years, taking a number of students through AS into their A level exams. This has stretched across AQA and Edexcel exam boards. I have also supported all my students that have applied for Economics degrees with their personal statements, and provided support and mentorship as they think about their future careers.

Tutoring Approach

Given my experience in both studying economics but applying the same concepts through my job as a professional economist, my approach involves bringing more theoretical concepts into real-world scenarios to help students understand how to apply these concepts in their exams. I focus quite heavily on exam technique, which I have seen students struggle with, but I also have engaging methods to explain tricky theoretical concepts.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Warwick2018BachelorsBSc Economics
Kings College London2024MastersMSc Economics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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