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Private Maths and Physics Tutor in Cambridge

My name is Bela and I have been a professional tutor for the past 5 years. I obtained my BA degree from Trinity College, Cambridge; where I was a senior scholar for my academic performance. After 18 months of Clinical Training, I transitioned into a full-time career in education. I have taught internationally at a summer camp in China, as a science teacher at an international school in Korea and at an International Ski Academy in France. I also work as a medical application consultant, helping numerous students obtain places at medical schools across the UK. I have many interests ranging from film to literature, music to sport, and have been involved in various residential placements as a tutor and mentor. I prepare every lesson in advance for students and tailor my approach to individual needs. My goal in tutoring is to allow every student to achieve the best they can and to provide general advice on how to be as efficient as possible. By working in this way there is ultimately less stress on students, which is not only good for their wellbeing but also for their studies.

Tutoring Experience

At school, I helped out numerous students at lunchtimes via the student mentoring scheme, which I was a part of for two years before I left. I also was chosen by my maths teacher to help a certain child with his GCSE maths for an hour a week. During my education I have had to give numerous presentations, work with numerous different people with different abilities and in the future as a medical professional I will be closely involved in helping future generations of doctors train. I published a paper at university is trialling a software aimed at helping children with Autism. This has involved educating parents on how the process and software works. All of this has helped me communicate well with people so that they can understand complex ideas clearly.

Tutoring Approach

I would request before any session you email me explaining which areas you would like to go through and which exam board you are on so that we can run through the topics together before trying some practice questions. I will explain things in a number of ways so that people can find the way that they understand the most and thus really grasp the concept. i think that sessions should be interactive and so I will be asking questions throughout to ensure that you fully understand the topic area and will be fully prepared for an exam.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


King Edward VI2014CollegeMaths A-level (A*), Physics A-Level (A*), Chemistry A-Level (A*), Biology A-Level (A*), Further Maths A-Level(A*)
King Edward VI2012SchoolMaths GCSE(A*),Biology GCSE(A*),Chemistry GCSE(A*),Physics GCSE(A*),Religious Studies GCSE(A*),French GCSE(A*),History GCSE(A*),Drama GCSE(A),English Literature GCSE(B),Electronics GCSE(A*),Additional Maths FSMQ(A-max),English Language GCSE(A)
Cambridge Universtiy2015Bachelors2.i Part 1a medical tripos
Cambridge University2017Bachelors1 Part 1b medical tripos

Bela's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)2
Rating from 3 references


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