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Online English and Latin Tuition

This is my twelfth year as a full-time tutor. My clients describe me as empathetic, flexible and passionate about the material I teach.

Though I have a strong academic record, I know how it feels to struggle with a subject and can relate my own experiences to students to help reassure them that patience, perseverance and positivity will win the day.

Tutoring Experience

I assist in a variety of situations, having prepared candidates for 13+ entrance and scholarship examinations (at Eton, Harrow and Winchester, among others), apprentices pursuing qualifications in Functional Skills English, private candidates sitting examinations at A-Level in Latin and Classical Civilisation, and over one-hundred and fifty students in GCSE English Language and Literature.

I maintain close working relationships with schools, teachers and exam boards, which keeps my subject knowledge current. Between August 2014 and May 2015, I was hired by Hampstead Hall Academy (Birmingham) to provide extracurricular English tuition; since 2017, I have marked GCSE scripts in Latin for OCR; since August 2020, I have consulted with Bolder Academy (Isleworth) to provide an extracurricular course on the role and relevance of Classics in the contemporary world, opening up study of ancient civilisations and their languages to pupils in years seven to nine; in March 2023, I delivered a CPD presentation on GCSE Latin Verse Literature to Latin teachers.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to my work is professional but relaxed: I look to create a supportive academic environment where students feel empowered to ask questions and suggest answers without fear of judgement. With that in mind, I want to equip my students with the skills they need to contribute confidently in the classroom and succeed in the exam hall.

Since the ultimate goal is for the individual to achieve the best possible result, I look to develop familiarity with and confidence in the core skills. I will approach GCSE texts line by line to sharpen analytical skills, explain grammar, develop vocabulary, explore important contexts, suggest ways of revising, stimulate interest in reading, implement strategies and structures for exam questions—whatever is necessary.

Working with different students, subjects and exam boards has highlighted the importance of adapting the message to suit my audience. As such, clients can be confident my service will be sensitive to their needs.

I enjoy the challenges presented by each of my subjects and relish any opportunity to assist a student who is not as comfortable or as confident as they would like to be.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of London2011BachelorsBA Hons. Classics
King Edward's School, Birmingham 2008SchoolA-Level Classical Civilisation
King Edward's School, Birmingham 2008SchoolA-Level Latin
King Edward's School, Birmingham 2006SchoolEnglish Language, Literature

Benjamin's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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