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Home Tuition for Sociology in Glasgow

Hello, I am a 3rd year tutor on Tutorful in Modern Studies. I am a social science Masters graduate from the University of Edinburgh. In 2022, I completed my Sport Policy, Management, and International Development (MA) with a 2:1 after completing my Social Policy and Sociology undergraduate degree to the same award. I now work in Sport for Development at the University of Stirling. I am currently teaching solely Modern Studies which I progressed to Advanced Higher level whilst in high school. I have tutored on this platform for 2 years and my teaching methods have proved successful with almost all students achieving higher grades than their academic expected grades. I have previous experience in tutoring younger students whilst learning Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Studies as well as being a Student Mentor for 1st year university students in Social Science.

Tutoring Experience

I am currently teaching solely Sociology which I progressed to Advanced Higher level whilst in high school. I have tutored on this platform for 2 years and my teaching methods have proved successful with almost all students achieving higher grades than their academic expected grades. I have previous experience in tutoring younger students whilst learning Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Studies as well as being a Student Mentor for 1st year university students in Social Science.

Tutoring Approach

I believe my teaching style can be characterised by patience, communication, and strategy. I work with my students to figure out learning and writing styles and structures that work for them.
In our initial short meetings, I have a few questions that I would like you to bring answers for. Primarily, this concentrates on the specific course components your school/institution has chosen to teach.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


University of Edinburgh2021BachelorsSocial Policy and Sociology
University of Edinburgh2022MastersSport Policy, Management & International Development
Rating from 1 reference


Subjects taught
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