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Worried about falling behind on your A Level Psychology course? As Head of Psychology at a top grammar school and Senior Examiner for AQA, I am available to help you get back up to speed with your learning, and be fully prepared for final exams come this summer or the next. I work hard to make tutoring easy to relate to, and use practical and realistic examples to make the subject more relevant. I focus heavily on exam tips and practice, using over a decade of experience as a senior AQA examiner to help get the important details across to students. I am keen to listen to my students, and provide them with whatever they feel would benefit them in order to succeed.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught Psychology at A Level (AQA) for fifteen years, and have been head of department for the last thirteen of those. In that time I have single-handedly taken my department from 21st out of 24 subjects to one of the best in the school. I regularly have a dozen or more students leave to read Psychology at university, and numerous students of mine are now thriving in the field of psychology.
I am an examiner for AQA Psychology, meaning I have a strong understanding of what your examiners will be looking for come exam season. I use this to tailor your tutoring towards the exams, in a way that maximises your chances of success.

Tutoring Approach

I focus on whatever the student wants - be it going over lesson work, or learning whole topics from scratch. I prefer to engage with the students rather than talk at them, and find tutoring is most effective with lots of questioning and checking of knowledge. I provide notes and revision tools where needed, am happy to set and mark 'homework', and like to focus heavily on exam skills - not just how to answer exam questions, but what examiners will be looking for, and how to word your answers to maximise your chances of top marks!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Essex County Council2008QTSTeacher of Sociology
The University of Kent2006BachelorsBSc (Hons) Psychology 2:1

Charlie's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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