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In July 2024, I was awarded a Doctorate (PhD) in English Literature from the University of Birmingham. Previously, I completed a Masters (MRes) qualification in English Literary research and achieved a first-class honours degree in English at Nottingham Trent University.

Now my educational qualifications are complete, I aim to remain research active while, concurrently, privately tutoring Primary, KS3 and GCSE students. This work not only helps me fund my academic research, but I also genuinely enjoy teaching this subject to struggling or unenthusiastic students. I hope my passion for the study of English can not only help them pass their exams at a high level, but also make them love the subject as I do. l I have been tutoring since I started my undergraduate degree in 2013 and feel I now know the curriculum and exam specifications very well. I have watched students struggle to achieve what they want to, and then celebrated when they have scored incredible in their exams (SATS/ GCSE), and been humbled by messages from parents crediting this to me, when, really, I just put the tools in the student's hand, it was all down to them to complete the job well.

English is a core, significant and enriching subject. At university, I have studied practically all of Shakespeare's plays, many of the classics, poetry, and also numerous contemporary pieces of literature. I can also help with analysing non-fiction works and understanding the complexities of literary theory, elements of philosophy and American literature.

To see a student comprehend a term, book or device that was previously very confusing to them, provides me with a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, if I was your tutor, I would thoroughly enjoy and value my time towards helping you and your English ability.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored many different levels of English: from Key Stage One to Postgraduate-Level. I have a lot of experience and resources available for tutoring the AQA and Edexcel specification for GCSE and A-Level as well as KS1, 2 and 3.

I currently tutor three AQA GCSE students, two Edexcel GCSE students, a KS2 student in preparation for his SATS and a 12-year old student for KS3. The latter student's main concern is that he struggles to remember what he has been taught in school. I have been through some English areas with him, such as apostrophes, rhymes, imagery, spellings, a few books and key grammatical devices to help reinforce what he has already learnt while at school.

In the last academic year, I have helped a non-native, six-year old girl to speak and read English Language; two boys, aged eight and eleven respectively, with KS2 English; one five-year old girl with basic reading and writing skills and two GCSE AQA students.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutoring can be any way you would like it to be, but as a guide...

Firstly, I would begin by asking what areas actually need my help. I find going through the specification helps to identify which topics I should plan for in the upcoming weeks. We would go through some activities together, and I would make notes of areas in which I see weaknesses.

Then I would create activities that would be fun - to encourage engagement - appropriate - as every student is different - and helpful - to ensure progress at every session.

I would, at times, test them on certain elements to see what has been learnt, but also reward them when they have achieved.

I use the National Curriculum in England provided by the Department for Education as a guide to what the student will be assessed on, to ensure consistency with their exams and what is taught at their school.

I try my best to be a fair, fun and honest tutor that will support, guide and advise you.

Please message me if you have any more questions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Nottingham Trent University2018MastersEnglish Literary Research
Nottingham Trent University2016BachelorsEnglish Literature BA (Hons)
University of Birmingham 2024DoctorateEnglish PhD

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