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I tutor GCSE and A-Level English and Drama, with a particular passion for Shakespeare! I have a BA (hons) and MA (Cantab) in English at the University of Cambridge, and have an MA in Shakeseparean Studies from King's College London. I recently finished my PhD on contemporary theatre in London. I was a part-time university lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London, and have four year's experience teaching English and Drama at undergraduate level, and have been tutoring English and Drama A-Level and GCSE for over six years.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored students for GCSE and A-Level English and Drama for over six years. I also have four year's experience working at Queen Mary, University of London giving lectures, seminars and one-on-one tuition in the Department of English and Drama. I am especially passionate about Early Modern drama, and Shakespeare in particular. I have taught courses on theatre history, London culture and experience, performing texts, and most recently performance and theatre in the UK since 1945. I have consistently scored above average for the quality of my teaching (4/5 or 5/5) in student feedback.

Tutoring Approach

I think that what is most important in tutoring is to understand the person you are working with. I like to get to know the student, in order to develop the most effective learning strategies for them. What works for one person often does not do for others! I try to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where the student is unafraid to express themselves. I want to make learning a positive experience which leads the student to want to know more. I really believe that saying that 'the purpose of education is not to fill a bucket but to light a fire'.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Queen Mary, University of London2019DoctoratePhD English and Drama
King's College London2006MastersMA Shakespearean Studies
Peterhouse, University of Cambridge2004BachelorsBA (hons) English Literature
Nottingham High School2001SchoolEnglish Literature A-Level (A), History A-Level (A), Geography A-Level (A)

Christine's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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