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Online Maths and Physics Teacher

My name is Cledwyn and I am an experienced tutor, specializing in Maths and Physics. I have been tutoring for over 5 years with students ranging from primary school level all the way up to advanced highers. I have worked in various sectors such as Motorsport, Oil&Gas, Subsea, Cranes and currently in Chemicals. I use my experience to relate complex mathematical and physics topics into easy to understand everyday tasks. Such as the concept of parallel circuits in physics, which relates to the way house lighting is wired and that each rooms brightness stays the same even when all the light switches are on.

I would like to put out the same care and thought that my maths teacher put into each of her classes. I used to struggle with maths, over the years, she took her time and after school she would help me build the strong foundations that led me to the successes in my career and I would like to help other students achieve the same.

Tutoring Experience

Previously helped kids with Maths & Physics during my final years in Secondary school.
Used to teach my neighbours kids with their A level Maths
Helped my university friends with Engineering modules
Worked at a tutoring centre part-time (Hillhouse Tutoring) when I was down for my placement year in Huddersfield. I would work there after I finished my full time job at Cummins Turbo Technologies.
Currently have my own 16 week maths and physics tutoring course "Tutoring with Cledwyn"

I also carry out STEM projects with my students over the summer;
Designing their own HTML websites
Designing and building an obstacle avoiding car

I feel as though I can relate more to kids as I am closer to their age than most adult tutors and I have learned a lot of teaching techniques over the years from various teachers that I have implemented in my lessons.

Tutoring Approach

-Apply the material learned in school to everyday problems
-Help kids get familiar with the basics.
-Use interactive methods of teaching (e.g. show and tell cards and Acronyms).
-Adapt to the kids learning style and always give pointers to help with understanding.
-Use real life scenarios so that I can create a visual picture in the students head while explaining the topic.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The Robert Gordon University2020MastersMasters in Mechanical Engineering

Cledwyn's Feedback

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