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Online Maths and English Tutoring

Hello! Bonjour! I am a passionate and motivating teacher who is fluent in French. I adore sharing knowledge and helping individuals with their specific strengths and areas of development. With a nurturing approach, I help to build confidence in all my pupils!

Tutoring Experience

I have worked with a range of ages in Primary Schools and supported groups, individuals and whole classes. I find my strengths lie in focusing upon the pupil's specific needs and I find great satisfaction from this.

Tutoring Approach

I believe in a motivational approach and by building confidence in students to help them achieve. I am a very caring teacher and find a nurturing tactic is beneficial for success.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Bath Spa University2018PGCEPrimary (5-7 with SEN Specialism)
University of Lincoln2017BachelorsEnglish
Rating from 2 references


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