I am originally from North Wales, I moved to Manchester 6 years ago to study Maths and Secondary Teaching. I am now a qualified secondary mathematics teacher. I have 3 years experience at an ofstead outstanding school. I have recenrly returned to work after having my first baby.
I am a qualified secondary mathematics teacher with 3 years experience.
The school where I am based teach a mastery curriculum. This encourages learning through a deep understanding of maths through a variety activities and an RME approach.
Languages | English (British) |
Availability | Weekdays (evenings) |
References Available | On File |
Liverpool John moores | 2009 | Bachelors | Degree Business Management | |
Manchester metropolitan university | 2018 | PGCE | PGCE |
Feedback | |
Published feedback | |
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative) | 0 |