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I love teaching and sharing my knowledge and expertise in literature . I have extensive experience in teaching A level students from a range of backgrounds and cultures. I am qualified with an MA and PhD in English literature and also have wide experience of teaching English language, IELTS, and academic study skills. I am passionate about all aspects of literature and drama, as well as the building blocks of English language. Nourishing all aspects of learning potential, my approach is to instill enthusiasm for the subject, together with improving skills and confidence in the student’s approach to learning, studying and writing.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught for over 20 years and I have tutored individual students and small groups from age 16 to adult learners, from A levels and undergraduate levels including IELTS, English conversation, and cultural studies: also helping non-native English speakers and professional students with essay assignments, job and university application forms.

Tutoring Approach

My personal approach is to care for the individual needs of each student and study at their pace. Learning and developing self-expression should be enjoyable and enriching experiences. My confidence-building gentle approach is to bring out the talents and abilities of each student, and to help them overcome any obstacles to gaining successful grades through developing skills and self-expression. I take a stress-free step by step detailed approach to course material, and give regular feedback on progress. I am here to help!
Focus--fun--fast progress--professional feedback--fantastic results!

LanguagesEnglish (British), German
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Oxford Brookes Uni1975BachelorsBA First Class
MIU, Iowa, USA1994MastersMA in English literature
Sussex University2003DoctorateD.Phil in English

Daphne's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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