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Friendly and encouraging. Currently teaching A level chemistry and a member of senior management in an Independent school.

Tutoring Experience

24 years teaching experience of A level chemistry in Independent schools. 21 years as a Head of Department and 12 years in Senior management. Lots of experience tutoring GCSE and A level chemistry particularly OCR and OCR Salters but also AQA and Edexcel. I also have extensive external marking experience at A level and IB having marked for 21 consecutive years. I am a professional member of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors.

I have enjoyed tutoring many chemistry students over the years, whether it be someone struggling to understand the basics or someone who needs an A*. I am patient and understanding and approach tutoring in a friendly and supportive manner.

I also offer interview training and mock interviews for dentistry, medicine and veterinary science applicants. This is particularly important for the newly introduced multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) which are increasingly common. Please contact me if you are interested as special lower rates apply.

Tutoring Approach

Tailored to the exact needs of the individual whether this be to get a grade A* or A for a potential medic or vet, or just to secure the best grade possible.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Open University2003MastersMedicinal chemistry
Open University1999BachelorsComputing
Dundee, Manchester Met1991Bachelors2:1 Chemistry

David's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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