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I am a Lecturer of Mathematics in University of Strathclyde. In the past, I have worked as a researcher in top ranked universities (University of Cambridge, University of California, San Diego and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).

Presently, I am teaching university students and doing research full-time. I have some spare time this year which is why I have decided to tutor a couple of students only. I am only offering to teach mathematics, physics and some engineering modules for the near foreseeable future.

I have received teaching excellence awards and certifications from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. I am also an FHEA (Fellow Advance Higher Education) and a Member of The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA).

Feel free to visit my academic website for further details which you can find the same with a simple online search including my name and university.

Please note I am unable to travel outside of Glasgow city centre currently.

** Discounts are available when booking in advance for 5 sessions (£55 per session) and 10 sessions (£50 per session). One session is one hour long **

Tutoring Experience

I have vast teaching experience spanning over 15 years in the US and UK in various universities.

Tutoring Approach

For students at a high school level, it is very important to make them understand why they are learning science subjects. The motivation to study scientific concepts is the first step. Without motivation, students may learn the concept for doing well in exams, but may not retain them for a long time. One effective way to motivate students is to give examples from real life where scientific concepts have made an impact. When trying to explain the concept itself, I tend to ask more questions which triggers the students thought process.

The core underlying philosophy that fuels my passion to teach and supervise students is to help them understand complex ideas. My passion for teaching stems from the belief that it is a noble profession as it one of the best ways to contribute to a society’s development and also have a sustainable positive influence on students that lasts a lifetime.

I have a nice setup to teach online if required which includes using Skype or zoom and graphics tablet.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of California, San Diego2016DoctoratePh.D. in Mechanical Engineering
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign2012MastersMasters of Science in Mechanical Engineering
National Insitute of Technology, India2009BachelorsBachelors of Technology in Mechanical Engineering

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