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Private Maths Tutor in Lambeth

I am a retired University academic. My main interest is Maths as this is what I enjoy most. I can offer teaching for GCSE , A level and Further Maths levels (Pure, Statistics and Mechanics) -Edexcel and other boards and IB.

Tutoring Experience

In my very early years I taught maths and physics as teacher in a London secondary school and also a College of Further Education (GCSE and A level). I am a qualified school teacher. My teaching component at university was in the form of lectures and small group tutorials and workshops. I taught Maths as a subsidiary subject to science and medical students - equivalent to GCSE and A level standard. After I retired I taught Foundation level students in Maths (equivalent to A level). I taught for a short time abroad , I have a current enhanced DBS.

Tutoring Approach

My Maths teachers at school, college and university were amazing, and I try to give my students the same experience that I received. Being a teacher of many years (and a Dad), I understand that one approach to teaching doesn't fit all. I have worked with students of all skills and abilities and I always try to put myself in their shoes such that we learn together. I believe strongly that not all students learn in the same way, and so I encourage students to learn by using reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. My approach to learning may be old fashioned but over the years I find it works i.e Presentation, Practice and Production. Presentation is where a Maths topic is explained, and discussed . Practice is where the topic is gone over together with the student using worked examples – the student gradually taking control, and Production is where the student solves problems independently . I have a history of successful communication on a range of topics to children and young adults with varied backgrounds.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of London1967BachelorsBSc 1st Hons Maths and Physics
University of London1971DoctoratePhD Physics
University of London1974MastersMSc Physiology
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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