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Home Tuition for Biology in Lambeth

I am passionate about biology and my aim is to share my knowledge with students and help them achieve their goals. I have a Doctor of Philosophy in Cellular and Molecular Medicine (from the University of Bristol - awarded a full university scholarship for this project) and a First Class BSc in Molecular Biology and Genetics. I have published articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and currently I am a biomedical researcher at the Francis Crick Institute in London. I believe biology is exciting and I know how to convert complicated theories into easy-to-digest concepts. In addition, I am a very patient, caring and understanding person.

Tutoring Experience

I have previous experience with private tutoring, assisting biology lectures and running lab courses.

2020-Tutor of biology at the University of Bristol
2021- Dissertation Supervisor for a student undertaking their BSc at the University of Bristol
2022- Tutor of biology at the University of Bristol

Tutoring Approach

My approach involves assessment of knowledge followed by personalised design of the lessons focusing on strengths and weaknesses. My teaching method allows students to become independent thinkers and achieve high.

LanguagesEnglish (American)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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The University of Bristol2022DoctoratePhD in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Rating from 2 references


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