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Private Maths and Physics Tuition in Berkhamsted

I have been working as a doctor for the past 7 years with experience in various medical and surgical specialities. I am now due to qualify as a GP in the next 12 months. One of the best aspects about being a doctor is the constant opportunity to learn and teach others around you. One of my favourite parts is working with more junior colleagues and encouraging them and teaching them.

Tutoring Experience

Mentoring and teaching medical students and physician associates
Tutoring GCSE biology
Tutoring GCSE chemistry
Tutoring GCSE maths
Pass rates: A-C for GCSE students

Tutoring Approach

I prefer to take a more practical approach to teaching by using case studies or using past paper questions. I am very keen on figuring out what the student's learning style is and tailoring my teaching style accordingly so they can get the most out of their experience. I will offer a free first session as an opportunity to get to know the student, get a better understanding of their style and to make a plan for sessions going forward in order to ensure I can help them reach their goal.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


UCL2017BachelorsMBBS Medicine and Surgery
UCL2014BachelorsMedical Sciences with Medical Physics and Bioengineering
Rating from 3 references


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