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I will teach you how to learn

I am British by birth with an Italian mother. I was brought up speaking English, Friulano and Italian. I am a retired teacher of Modern Foreign Languages with over 25 years of classroom experience and 12 years of teaching private students.
I am happy to travel up to 15 miles.

Tutoring Experience

I am a retired teacher of MFL.
I will teach you how to learn. I have over 30 years of classroom experience and 15 years of teaching private students. I have taught French, Spanish and Italian ab initio to post A Level

Tutoring Approach

Tutoring Approach: - Communication – Communication - Communication
I will teach you how to learn

I always adapt each lesson according to the student's personality and needs. At the beginning I usually discuss with students what they want to achieve as a target and what topics interest them most and I will meet their needs. My students have achieved good results and have improved their level of learning.
I tailor the learning processes and techniques differently to each student.
For whatever reason you need to learn or update your foreign language skills - business, pleasure, exams etc. - I can help you achieve your goals.
I tailor my teaching styles to your learning needs and objectives. There is no need to buy expensive courses. I will provide the necessary materials. All you need to provide is the enthusiasm to learn. You need to commit to a few minutes each day of personal learning.
I usually have a preliminary meeting with you to ascertain what you need and if you have any prior learning in the target language.

I then adapt my lessons to your level and your specific needs. I integrate new learning into your existing knowledge base - if any. I will give you strategies for easy vocabulary learning and build on that vocabulary with accessible grammar so that you can start to talk on an ever- widening number of topics.

I create a comfortable teaching environment so that each student can concentrate and be motivated.

My two main aims are to
+ To promote active learning.
+ To encourage communication.
I help you learn on a 1-to-1 basis or in small groups [max 6].
I also teach small groups.
Small groups have several advantages: -
+ Small groups allow students to bring their own experience to the learning process
+ Small groups encourage active learning rather than passive listening
+ Students take more responsibility for their own learning
+ Students learn from each other's demonstrations, examples, insights, and mistakes
+ Students develop interpersonal communication skills, such as listening, collaborating
+ Students become more competent and more confident more quickly

I taught modern languages [mainly French] for 25 years from year 7 to adult learners at secondary level [11- 18] and tertiary level [18+].
I have had a variety of jobs since then including working for a translation/interpreting agency and NHS Interpreting Services.
My mother was Italian - Italian [near native]
Speak French [near native]

Teaching Experience:
French 25 years 11-18 & Private tuition various levels & FE to Final Diploma Institute of Linguists
Italian FE – from the start & private tuition
Spanish FE – from the start & private tuition
I am currently tutoring a variety of students covering a wide range of ages and abilities and languages.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


NCN1984CollegeItalian and Spanis IL
Sheffield Uni1973BachelorsB. Ed
Doncaster College of Education1972ProfessionalCert Ed

Edwin's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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