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Maths and History Teacher in Windsor

I am a professional tutor with more than five years of experience. I have recently completed my master's degree. My passion in life is to learn and experience new things. However, I feel if all the learnings are not imparted, to our younger generations, then we are not giving what we owe to them. I am highly motivated to achieve results as a consequence of my effort and see it as a challenge to meet very high standards.

Tutoring Experience

I have more than five years of tutoring experience. Currently, working as a partner in A star tutor company.
My main subjects are Economics, Sociology, Maths and Business related. However, I have taught, as a part of A star tutors, students from STEM backgrounds as well with particular focus on exam preparation and increasing the recallability.
Although I thoroughly believe that it is vital to impart knowledge. I have taught students who wanted a crash course three months before the exam only to score an A* and also students who wanted to study and understand the subject matter. My teaching has always been objective-based, which is due to my teaching experience in various countries such as Pakistan, Romania, Turkey etc.
I have taught students ranging from primary to bachelors level and with the most modest backgrounds to the most high-profile individuals.
All the above experiences how exposed me to various situations and kinds of students. The diverse needs and thinking styles of students and how they behave in different circumstances.
All in all, I believe I am a very well rounded tutor who would cater to the exact needs of parents and students alike.

Tutoring Approach

I believe all individuals are unique, with distinct talents and needs. I want to impart knowledge in a way which is beneficial for them. I set time-bound and specific goals for students, but I let them decide how they want to go on about achieving those goals. I want them to create their own process and path. In the process, they not only thoroughly understand the subject matter but also acquire essential skills such as time management and problem-solving which come in handy not only in an exam situation but also life in general.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Brunel University London2019MastersMSc Business Management
Institute of Business Administration2017BachelorsBachelors in Business Administration
Rating from 2 references


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