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I am a confident and academic teacher who adores teaching and all that is involved in the process of learning. I have spent the last 25 years as either a classroom teacher, Head of Department, or Private Tutor in the UK and abroad. I read my PGCE at Teaching English at Oxford University. My Academic Tutors were inspirational and I am in contact with two of them over 20 years on. I have extensive knowledge and experience in teaching Common Entrance, GCSE and A level Syllabi in English Literature and Language, History, Sociology and Religious Studies and Wjec Criminology. I am extremely experienced in Private Tutoring, having tutored both children in need of encouragement and structure to Oxbridge Candidates.

Tutoring Experience

Over 25 years as a Tutor and Classroom English, RS, History, Criminology and Sociology GCSE/A level teacher
9 years as a Head of Department of Religious Studies
2 years working in an Academic Research Institution in Oxford
2 years as an Undergraduate Lecturer in Economic and Social Development of Latin America
Many years tutoring Privately

Tutoring Approach

Enthusiasm, meticulous attention to the individual students' needs and extraordinary academic knowledge and insight.
I prioritise the needs and passions of the Student and endeavour to build their growth mindset, resilience and academic performance .

I love teaching my Students and expend a great deal of effort building their confidence.
I have a wide range of constantly updated teaching resources that mean I can engage with all Students at every academic level.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Oxford University1994PGCEEnglish
ITTC1991CollegeTeaching English as a Foreign Language
Leeds University1990MastersThird World Developement Economics
Oxford Polytechnic1988BachelorsEnglish, Politics, Anthropology Modular Course

Emma's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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