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Are you interested in exploring the benefits of private tuition? Do you want to see what being an achieving student is really like? Attend my private one-on-one tuition and discover how learning at your pace can open up opportunities for you.

I understand the challenges students face when it comes to learning, planning and understanding how to answer questions. This is why I have dedicated the past years to guiding students to achieve the best in science.

I would like to invite you to join the many students who have made it successfully through their GCSEs and A Levels.

Students with aspirations to gain access to top sixth form colleges and universities are welcome to register their interest with me. My specialist tutoring subjects are GCSE, KS4, chemistry, physics and biology and A level, KS5, chemistry.

My aim is to work with your child, within an agreed time frame, to achieve excellent grades and make it into top sixth form colleges / schools / universities in UK or their chosen schools / colleges / universities.
I cover all levels of demand of science concepts: low, standard and high as required at GCSE, AS level and A level.
I am currently teaching science at a reputable college. In addition to teaching, I also mentor and coach other teachers. I also prepare and moderate science exams at my college. I am keen to challenge students to become independent learners and critical thinkers. This is what makes a student the best in his / her chosen field.

I am a qualified teacher with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). I have experience teaching physics, chemistry and biology at secondary (Key Stage 3), GCSE (Key stage 4), AS and A level chemistry and biology (Key stage 5), college and university foundation course in chemistry.
I hold a first class (Hons) in BSc (Zoology and Botany). I also hold a post graduate certificate in education (PGCE), from Nottingham Trent University, in science. I also have a Master of Science, MSc.(Environmental Studies), from Loughborough University and a post graduate diploma, PGD, in Energy and Industrial Sustainability, from DeMontfort University. I also have various certificates in Information technology.

Prior to becoming a qualified teacher with QTS, I taught Maths and Science at a number of secondary schools as well as A level Chemistry, and Biology.
I am passionate about children and want to help them secure their future by realising their full potential.

I have perceptive insight into students' intellectual, social and emotional needs; recognise that effective teaching underpins and enables successful learning; provide reassurance, build confidence and encourage student motivation and commitment.

I am also CRB / DBS certified.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
I offer both fixed term and flexible tutoring. I believe that tutoring is about working with students to achieve the best in their studies. In other to achieve excellent results, students must commit to learning and the demands it commands.

I do not take on too many students, so spaces tend to be limited.
I am able to travel, during the summer holidays, if a request is put in for my services.This may include families who need the services of tutors while on holidays or who live in difficult to access areas of UK.
During holidays, I am able to take fixed term bookings to ensure that students cover areas required by exam bodies.
My tutoring availability is flexible. Contact me for further details.

Tutoring Experience

I have more than 6 years teaching experience at secondary GCSE Chemistry, Physics and Biology and A levels, and teaching university foundation courses in Chemistry. I also have vast experience of tutoring children / students on a one-on-one basis. I have an online presence through my own science blog where students can access other resources needed to progress well in their studies.
I am passionate when it comes to challenging students. This is a passion I share with all my students. I love writing and I have complied a number of booklets to reduce the workload of my students. I also provide template "flexible" private timetable from which students can work from. This timetable is based on my own experience from getting a first class honours at University.

Tutoring Approach

Current grade range, 9-1, for separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) Higher Tier, demand that 60% of the marks cover grades 6-9 questions and 40%, grade 4-5 questions. Ramping and level of demand in exams means that students of all tiers, foundation and higher, must be well prepared for exams. Commitment is key to achieving success. You can achieve success, in everything you put your mind to do, provided you put in the time it demands.
I always strive to understand my students and adjust my teaching to fit their personal needs. I am aware of parents' and students' aspirations and I always respond to that aspirations in ways that are unique to individual students.
If a student requests to be prepared for exams, I prepare an extensive resource tailored to my student. With the new curriculum and the demands of current specifications and exams, my students tend to benefit from linked questions as well as being challenged to score excellent grades in their subject specific areas.
Learning and teaching covers all levels of demand of science concepts: recognition, cued recall of scientific facts, uncued recall, unapplied or recalled information, simple application in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts as well as complex application in a range of contexts.
Face to face tuition may be considered subject to availability and distance of travel.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Ghanaian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Nottingham Trent University2016PGCEPGCE with QTS
DeMontfort University2013OtherPGD Energy and Industrial Sustainability
Loughborough University2005MastersMSc Environmental Studies
University of Cape Coast1999BachelorsBSc Zoology and Botany
Rating from 2 references


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